10 Natural Ways to Reduce PMS Symptoms

1. Keep Track of Daily Symptom:

Keeping track of the daily symptom is the first and foremost thing that helps. This helps you to stay on track and be aware of what’s going on throughout the month, note how you feel from day to day. You can then schedule things to do on the day that you feel good because now you know those specific times. For example if you tend to feel great for a few days during your cycle, that's the time to take your driving test, or go to a job interview etc.

2. Use Natural Remedies:

Use natural remedies to tackle the symptoms, many PMS symptoms can easily be controlled using natural remedies. For bloating, pain, mood swings, depression and food cravings using calcium carbonate about four times a day can significantly reduce these symptoms. Also women suffering from excess bloating can benefit from burdock root capsules.

3. Vitamins and Minerals:

Studies suggest that taking vitamins and minerals that are rich in magnesium, vitamin D, B, iron and zinc greatly help in PMS symptoms. The lack of these vital nutrients can increase PMS symptoms. Another study revealed that 50-80% of women with PMS were deficient in magnesium.

4. Excess weight:

Putting excess weight greatly contribute to PMS. Several scientists have discovered that the more overweight you are, the more likely you are to suffer from PMS.

5. Relaxation:

A simple relaxation method such as breathing exercise, meditation and yoga help in stress reduction and promote life without PMS. Use your time constructively giving priority to your personal needs mostly those that nourishes you.

6. Exercise:

Exercise can lift your mood as it helps to boost the feel good chemicals in the brain known as Endorphins. Regular aerobic exercise such as jogging, cycling, swimming or brisk walk may help relieve PMS symptoms. A recent study suggests that the frequency is more important than the intensity in helping to reduce PMS symptoms.

7. Snack Away:

According to researchers, snacking can help to reduce the symptoms of PMS because your body needs 500 extra calories a day or two before your period as that is when your iron levels are at their lowest. On those days, have a healthy mid morning and mid afternoon snack. Snacking healthy is the key here.

8. Primrose Oil:

Some studies suggest that evening primrose oil helps with PMS this is because the primrose oil contains gamma-linolenic acid, an omega 6 essential fatty acid that is involved in the metabolism of hormone-like substance called prostaglandins that regulate pain and inflammation in the body. Another study attributed gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) to help reduce PMS symptoms such as irritability, stomach cramps and breast pain. You can also find this oil in starflower oil and blackcurrant oil.

9. Herbs:

Most herbs especially a plant called agnus cactus is popular in the treatment of PMS. Research suggests it can improve symptoms by more that 50 percent. St John's Wort can also help, but it can reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill.

10. Watch What You Eat:

Reducing the amount of salt, sugar, coffee and alcohol beverages have all been linked to help in the reduction of PMS symptoms. Salt causes bloating, alcohol can worsen your mood, caffeine can increase breast tenderness and sugar exacerbates food cravings. Learn MOre About Weight Management.

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